School of Education

Education is often called the great equalizer. And while it has helped increase economic mobility for generations of people, this path to opportunity is still marked by great inequities. Across the U.S., students and teachers alike face persistent, systemic barriers to educational access and success.

As the nation’s most populous and diverse state, California embodies this reality all too well. And with our university’s powerful record of pioneering research in the field, leadership development, and policy and practice solutions, no institution is better prepared to lead the way forward than the UC Davis School of Education.

We have a bold vision for an educational system that’s richer and more equitable. With your support, we can empower every leader to create a brighter future for the next generation, every teacher to enhance learning opportunities for all students, and every student to achieve their greatest potential.

Funds Donated
$24.9M donated 104% of our goal reached

For more information contact

Jennifer Martinez

Senior Director of Development


Our Campaign Priorities

Preparing the next generation of educators

Through academic programs that are rigorous, innovative and equity-focused, we prepare our students to address systemic barriers in education. They’re trained to create effective learning environments for youth with a range of needs—including students with disabilities, English learners, and those living in poverty or affected by trauma.

To make the greatest impact, our student body must reflect the communities where, as individuals, they will teach and serve. Through scholarships and fellowships, we can make a UC Davis education more accessible to people from all cultural and sociological backgrounds, empowering and inspiring them to become teachers and educational leaders who will light the way forward.

Advancing research to transform education for all learners

The School of Education faculty are preeminent experts in their fields, tackling critical challenges with wide-ranging implications for all learners, and preparing graduate students whose research and practice will advance the field and inspire thousands of others in turn.

Our researchers partner with both decision-makers and educators to improve outcomes at all levels of our state’s education system—leading the way in addressing timely, relevant issues in education, and informing policy that can shape a brighter future for all students. For example, Transformative Justice in Education (TJE) is a community-university collaboration committed to disrupting race-based inequities in education. The Center for Community and Citizen Science (CCCS) helps scientists, communities and citizens collaborate on science to address environmental problems as a part of civic life. 

Igniting change by developing leaders and guiding policies that empower students and communities

As thought leaders, we are proud to operate at the vanguard of our field, offering research, professional development, publications and other support to educational leaders, practitioners and policymakers across California. With your support, we will endow faculty chairs, provide for visiting scholars and showcase our very best thinkers at forums and conferences. 

Both our Wheelhouse Center and our Center for Applied Policy in Education focus on leadership—the former for the presidents and chancellors of California’s community colleges, and the latter for superintendents, principals and leaders in K-12 school districts.

Programs like these are made possible through generous gifts from people like you. And with more support, we can further expand our network and improve school systems all over the nation. 

Creating a cutting-edge environment that fosters forward-looking teaching and learning

Our exceptional faculty and students are actively shaping the future of our discipline: their bold ideas and innovations will fundamentally transform tomorrow’s practices and policies. But while research in the field is evolving rapidly, our physical environments have not kept pace. An investment in modern, inviting classrooms, instructional, technology-forward research spaces, and areas that invite collaboration and innovation will allow us to set the bar for the groundbreaking educational work that we know we are capable of.