Virtual Innovation Spectacular
Campaign Launch
More than 1,000 people tuned in live on 10.10.2020 to learn how UC Davis is making the world a better place for today and tomorrow. Experience the magic of our virtual campaign launch below.
School Spirits
It wouldn't be a true Aggie experience without some signature beverages! Check out some classic recipes to enjoy while you watch the main event.

Innovation Spotlights
There is always more to see about how UC Davis is changing the world. We'd like to share these spotlights focusing on specific areas of excellence.

Spotlight on Our Imagination
Innovation and creativity drive discovery. At UC Davis, we apply them to all we do. We invite students to let their imaginations guide their studies, shape new business concepts, and draw inspiration from our rich arts culture.

Spotlight on Our Planet
UC Davis research prioritizes sustaining healthy communities for today – and tomorrow. From environmental conservation to social justice, we are addressing the urgent issues the world faces and advancing practices that will enable Earth and all its inhabitants to thrive.

Spotlight on Our Future
Here at UC Davis, our students are preparing to change the world. We offer them knowledge and expertise, so they can use their incredible imaginations to maximize the impact on the world they’re creating.

Spotlight on Our Health
UC Davis Health and the School of Veterinary Medicine advance the frontiers of care every day -- from COVID-19 vaccine trials to cutting-edge robotics surgeries. And together they collaborate on the One Health Initiative, harnessing the expertise of both human and veterinary medicine to benefit all living things.