Preparing Change Makers

Give rise to the next generation of great leaders

They are the curious explorers, entrepreneurial dreamers and creative visionaries of tomorrow. And they are looking for a classroom, a community and a career to make it all real. At UC Davis, they'll find everything they need to chart their paths—and to change the course of what's happening in the world to what can and should be. They have their own expectations. Together, we'll give them even greater.

Avenues pave the way

Navigating the complex system of higher education is challenging for most students, but it can be even harder for students transferring from community college, who often come from households with limited means or are the first in their family to attend college. That's where the donor-supported UC Davis Avenues programs come in.

Backed for the future

Every day at UC Davis, students benefit from the generosity of donors via scholarships and awards that allow them to pursue their goals. Meet just four of the thousands whom donors help thrive.

Scholarship slam dunk

Women’s Basketball forward Lena Svanholm ’21, M.S. ’23, Ph.D. ’26 came to the U.S. from her home country Denmark to start her college basketball career at 18 years old. This year, not only is she excelling in her final season, she has also begun a Ph.D. in chemistry and chemical biology. Learn more about how donors have supported Lena’s journey, on and off the court.

Thriving with support

Behind every student at UC Davis is an untold story of personal growth—and for many, struggle. This is where donors make the difference by funding scholarships and other student success programs offered through the Division of Student Affairs.

Paving paths to success

Aggie Launch is UC Davis’ vision to help undergraduate and graduate students start career preparation early, participate in an expanded array of experiential learning, benefit from career mentoring and graduate with a robust career plan or path to advanced studies.

As we look forward, we look to you

Today’s employers expect great things from UC Davis graduates. Your support will transform what they can achieve and contribute, allowing them to exceed expectations as tomorrow’s change agents. Make a greater difference. Make their UC Davis experience like none other.

2.2B donated 110% of our goal reached