Below are common questions, and answers, about giving to UC Davis. If you can’t find the answer to your specific question, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of University Development through email or by calling 530-754-4438.
How Do I...
Make a gift?
You may give to UC Davis in a variety of ways: with cash, a check or credit card; by contributing securities, real estate or other personal property; by making a bequest or through other planned giving arrangements. If you are a UC Davis employee, you can also give through payroll deduction. For more information, please visit Ways to Give.
Specify how my contribution is used?
You can choose to give to any college, school, or program at UC Davis, supporting the causes that matter most to you. You may also opt to support emerging opportunities by making a gift to the UC Davis Annual Fund. Please visit the Areas to Support page to see which areas best correspond with your philanthropic interest.
Set up a monthly or regular credit card deduction?
On our giving website, when asked “How often will you give?” choose the “Monthly” option to donate on a recurring monthly basis.
Stop a recurring monthly gift that I made online?
If you would like to stop a recurring monthly gift that you have made through our online giving website, please email gifts@ucdavis.edu with your name, the fund name and dollar amount of the recurring gift with a statement that you wish to cancel your recurring monthly payment. We will process this cancellation within 2 business days.
Make an anonymous donation?
We are happy to respect your wishes to donate anonymously. If you would like to make an anonymous gift when donating through our online giving website, please complete the online giving form with your full contact information so you may be credited for the gift. Once the gift has been made online, email gifts@ucdavis.edu with your name, the fund name and dollar amount of gift with a statement that you wish to remain anonymous for the gift.
Taxes and Fees
What is UC Davis' tax ID number?
There are two gift-receiving arms for UC Davis: The UC Davis Foundation and The Regents of the University of California. Both are qualified charities that provide donors with tax benefits to the full extent of the law. The tax ID number for The UC Davis Foundation is 94-6081352. The tax ID number for the UC Regents is 94-6036494. Giving opportunities on this website are administered by the UC Davis Foundation and the UC Regents, depending on the fund. Annual Fund gifts, including those to the colleges and schools, are processed through the UC Davis Foundation. Please call UC Davis at 530-754-4438 to obtain the proper tax ID number for your gift.
Are there fees associated with giving?
UC Davis retains a 6% fee on each current use gift; this fee helps to defray the administrative costs incurred in managing UC Davis’ fundraising operations.
Is my gift tax deductible?
The UC Davis Foundation and The Regents of the University of California — the two gift-receiving arms for UC Davis — are both qualified charities that provide donors with tax benefits to the full extent of the law. Your gift qualifies for a tax-deduction in accordance with IRS regulations, during the calendar year that you make your gift. You will receive a gift receipt for your files. Please consult your tax professional for more information.
Help and Support
Why do I get more than one call each year to ask for support?
The UC Davis Annual Fund seeks to inspire donations to the university as a whole as well as to individual colleges and schools. You may receive calls asking for your support for the UC Davis Annual Fund, which benefits the university as a whole. You may also receive calls asking for your support of the annual giving program at a particular school or college. These funds provide support for the greatest needs at the university’s schools or colleges, as determined by the deans of those programs.
I can't find the fund I want to donate to.
If you are donating through our giving website, you can search for key words on our homepage to find your desired fund. You may also contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations ;for more information about your desired fund.
Can I make multiple donations in a single credit card transaction?
At this time, you may make only one online gift per credit card transaction.
Giving Societies
What counts toward cumulative giving?
- All outright gifts of cash, securities, gifts in-kind, and irrevocable planned gifts including realized planned gifts such as charitable remainder unitrusts (CRUT) and charitable gift annuities.
- All outright pledges of cash, securities, gifts in-kind. The overall pledge is counted toward one's total giving - not the individual pledge payments.
What does not count toward cumulative giving?
All unrealized planned gifts.
When does a gift qualify?
Contribution totals are calculated on an ongoing basis with the majority of membership occurring at the close of the fiscal accounting period - July 1 through June 30 each year.
How is giving credited?
- Cumulative giving is credited by household to recognize individuals and families/partners where applicable.
- For preferred recognition and contact methods please contact the office of donor relations.